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Filter: Minerals
BEE requirements as a condition to prospecting rights?

06 August 2015

My business partner and I have embarked on a new endeavour to explore the possibility of mining chrome on land... owned by myself and some of our neighbouring farms. We have been advised that we need to apply for prospecting rights. We submitted our application, but have now been advised that our application cannot succeed due to the fact that we are non-BEE compliant. Is this legally correct? 

Mineral Rights. Do they still have value?

27 September 2012

The ownership of mineral rights has received extensive media coverage of late. Claims have been made that the State has... in terms of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 effectively taken away mineral rights from its rightful owners and nullified the value of mineral rights. But is this claim correct, and if so what then is the current position regarding mineral rights.


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