The Habitat for Humanity Build

27 October 2006 248
As explained on their website (, Habitat for Humanity is supported by thousands of individuals, churches, foundations and corporations which assist in the raising of funds for the building of low cost houses and then participate in the actual building process itself. The strength of the programme lies in the fact that houses are not just given away, but rather that families who qualify for the houses repay to Habitat a portion of the cost of the house without interest. That money is then utilised to contribute towards a portion of the cost of the next build and so on. This creates a system through which more and more people gain access to affordable houses. Habitat also integrates these families into the community by providing them with courses ranging from budgeting to basic administrative skills.

Wright Rose-Innes is very aware of its corporate social responsibilities. As such the partnership with Habitat for Humanity in the pursuit of building simple, decent, affordable homes for people in need, was a most worthwhile project. Wright Rose-Innes took on the challenge of a build and successfully completed a house on the 27th of October 2006. Not only was this a most rewarding experience for the Firm, but it was also an adventure for all the staff (most of whom had never in their life held a trowel, mixed cement or laid a brick) who participated on a daily basis. This certainly was also one of the most uplifting team building exercises in which the Firm has invested.

The Completed House

On the final day, Paul Rademan, Wright Rose-Innes’s Senior Partner, handed over to the recipient, keys to the house and scissors with which to cut the ribbon. She was also presented with a Bible and a Cross, together with a supply of groceries, and various other donations in the form of furniture, curtains and plants for the garden, by the Firm and its staff. The recipient’s husband passed away at the beginning of this year and it was his dying wish to build a house for his wife. In her eyes, this amounted to the fulfilment of a deceased man’s last promise to his wife. She was overcome with emotion and gratitude.

This humbling but exhausting experience will remain in the minds and hearts of all at Wright, Rose-Innes. We are proud to have positively contributed to one grateful family as well as to our growing and developing nation.

For more photos of the event, please visit our Habitat for Humanity Lightbox 